
Getting Caught with Illegal Fireworks Can Dim Your 4th

Around the Bay Area, people will pack a picnic blanket, a patriotic spirit and head to see fireworks displays. Some people also want to celebrate by setting off fireworks at home. Here are a few things you should know before you get popping.
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Bailing Water: Third Year of BUI Crackdowns

As the July 4th weekend approaches, many Californians will take to the water to celebrate. But what a number of people don’t realize is that boating under the influence (BUI) is a crime similar to DUI. Like a DUI, a BUI conviction can carry hefty penalties and leave you needing bail.

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How Is the Bail Amount Decided?

If we were going off an episode of Law and Order, bail would some arbitrary number a grumpy, overworked judge comes up with. Of course, on television, that number largely depends on the mood of the judge, and how clever (or annoying) each of the attorneys is and perhaps what everyone is wearing. So how close to reality is this? Is bail just decided on a whim? How does the judge decide what bail to impose?

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Bail Bonds Scammer May Have Thousands of Victims

Last week we talked about ways to make sure you are hiring a good bail bond agent. There are plenty of rotten apples out there, but the latest case of a bail bond scam is scary stuff indeed.

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Bay Area Jails May be Able to Opt Out of Federal Immigration Enforcement Program

The Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) program called “Secure Communities” has been getting support from a number of sheriff departments, including Alameda Sheriff Greg Ahern, but not all legislators are as supportive. Secure Communities adds additional federal screening to local inmates. Read more »

Supreme Court Ruling Could Impact Alameda Jails

Last week in a close, landmark decision, the Supreme Court ordered California to abide by aggressive plans to fix the major overcrowding problem in state prisons. Read more »

5 Things You MUST Ask Before You Choose a Bail Bondsman

Most people know what bail is and what a bail bondsman does in a general way. But many of us have never had to hire one–until the phone rings at 3AM with a panic stricken friend or loved one on the other end that needs help. Now what? With so many bondsmen how do choose the right one?
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